Entertainment, Music

Sunday on Java Jazz 2007

Java Jazz Festival 2007 was hot on Sunday. Actually I had no plan to see it, but since we attended a wedding party not far from Jakarta Convention Center, Dewi and I decided to see the last day performances. None of the kids wanted to join us.

A couple of scalpers offered -supposed to be- free invitations, we however preferred to buy at the ticketing box. Hmmmm, we didn't buy ticket for Jamie Cullum show though, the price was ridiculous for me.

The first show that we saw was Benny Likumahua & The Young Connection, to pay respect for senior local jazz players. Benny seemed endorsing Barry Likumahua, his son (red jacket, played bass), to the world of music, or jazz in particular.

Next I was in a room where I saw Idang Rasjidi played with familiar faces such as Kiboud and Ireng Maulana. In fact I was expecting to see Larry Franco, but seemed the schedule was changed. What I saw was a group of maestro who were awaiting to play their turns. Hmmm, maybe because I didn't see the whole performance.

I recalled that in JJF last year Vicky Sianipar received positive reviews from jazz critics, so we went to his stage. He gave the audience a nice surprised by collaborating with Tompi in one composition. He played a few cool compositions with ethnic flavors takem from his Indonesian Beauty album.

We had a chance to see Richard Bona performance, who originally came from Minta Village in the East of Cameroon then became a regular performer at a prestigious New York jazz club. His voice was smooth yet rich and creatively blended with the music, his fingers on bass were awsome. At one time he sang without background music, used sequencer to record and played back, and produced astounding composition.

A photo session of Dewi with mime....

After we were disappointed on Friday because David Benoit's performance was cancelled, we finally could see him on stage collaborated with Michael Paulo. Paulo's saxophone-playing showed his 20 years of experience in the world of jazz and pop music. Interestingly Pauolo is also the Director of the World Golf Tournament in Hawaii. As for Benoit, I read on a newspaper yesterday that he decided to go back to his smooth jazz music.

With a must see note from the organizer, we landed at San Fransisco (SF) Jazz Collective stage. Joshua Redman the saxophonist genius is the artistic director of the group. To me however, the pure jazz that they played were heavy....

When we entered the room where The Groove was performing, it was a real full house show. We could hardly move around. The frenzy audience sang a long loudly with the group. Hmmm, it must be a good one I thought. However, I couldn't find their CD at Duta Suara Plaza Senayan yesterday.

Another group we saw was SoulID. Hmmm, I thought I have ever had their CD, but I couldn't find it. I put it in my to buy list.

Next was Vikter Duplaix. We awaited for almost half an hour while the the group did sound check. When I almost gave up, he started the show. He was cool, played with a couple of instruments producing different kind of sound. He threw out a few CDs to the audience delight.

Just got one good picture from Frank McComb performance, a US born jazz singer and keyboardist. We came a bit late, and could only enjoyed two or so compositions.

The last performance that saw was Superfusion group featuring veteran smooth jazz keyboardist Jeff Lorber, Rick Brown, Brian Bromberg, Eric Marienthal and Dave Weckl.

It was almost 11 pm, and Jakarta Convention Center was still packed with a huge crowd of people. It was really amazing, and encouraging. There were still Sadao Watanabe, Level 42 and Tortured Soul performances. Hmmmmm, I was so sleepy already, old man, and I couldn't escape from office the following day. We left the venue.

While Dewi ordered burger to fill our empty stomach, I took this picture.

Congratulations bung Peter Gonta and JJF team. Well done. See you next year, hopefully with cheaper tickets....

Comments on Comments:
yodee said...
aaaahhh you're so lucky to go to the festival days in a row.
2:08 AM
I was lucky indeed; hope more people can enjoy it in the future

-FM- said...
i miss java jazz so much...
3:05 AM
hmmmm, there'll always be next time jeng....

angin-berbisik said...
wah mas penggemar jazz sejati nih....
btw saya ga ngerti ama musik jazz hehehe...:)
7:50 AM
aku juga pura2 ngerti koq jeng.... :)

artja said...
dari dulu pegen liat java jazz..... pasti asyik kalau mbawa keluarga. eh, mas aroengbinang pernah dengar Jajan Jazz? itu dekat rumah saya, tapi gratis. lokasinya di BSD, ada di Jumat pertama tiap bulannya. yang tampil sih, cuma band lokal aja, tapi kemarin ada abadi Soesman juga. kalo ke BSD, mampir ajah.
8:24 AM
blum pernah denger tuh bung; hmmm asik juga ya, mampir ah kapan2

kenny said...
laen waktu jangan lupa video klipnya om :D
12:59 PM
iya jeng, sayang handycam-nya udah dibawa garong yg masuk ke rumah beberapa bulan yg lalu..., habis itu masih blum kepikiran beli lagi. sbenarnya bisa ngrekam dari tv, tapi itu ilegal ya :(

Bangsari said...
boso enggres. wegah!
6:02 PM
sambil blajar bung, mudah2an bisa bantu ngejar ketertinggalan dari tetangga2 di sing, malaysia dan phil yg skarang banyak memegang posisi regional manager/director asia tenggara, membawahi indo; temen2 di thai juga sudah banyak yang memegang posisi regional. mudah2an profesional indo bisa menyalip.... namun ya tergantung apa yg mo dikejar oleh bangsa ini bung. salam.

mel@ said...
wah... jadi pengen liattt... cuma gara-gara di bandung... jadi males ke jakartanya... hikss... hikss... hiksss...
8:33 PM
he...he...., bandung-jkt kan seklebatan mata ya jeng; apa lagi kalo rame2

endangwithnadina said...
pasti asyiik ... tapi lebih asik lagi kalo aku bisa beli tiketnya...doooh, mahal banget seeh....?
6:29 AM
berdoa ya jeng biar taon depan murah, sukur2 gratis....

rinnie said...
One of my friends saw Jamie there, but I couldn't coz as you said "the ticket price was so ridicilous" I couldn't afford..
8:14 AM
yeah, i hope in the next festival there wouldn't be such an expensive show; it's probably better to arrange a separate one ...

My Alter said...
salam kenal mas...:)
penyuka jazz rupanya..:)
enjoy with your jazz...:)
8:51 PM
salam kenal balik jeng; penyuka jazz amatiran :)

Han said...
Pak, saya suka liat photo" yang anda jrepretettet... nice nighshot !!! really, lightingnya oke punya. May i know u'r Userid @ fotografer.net ? :) thank's
6:08 AM
aku pernah daftar di fotografer, cuma karena gak pernah updet kayaknya udah dibrangus, jadi aku hidup di luar pagar saja jeng, tinggal di atas angin (pinjam istilahnya bung rendra). trims utk komplimen-nya. bikin smangad he....he....

Nunung said...
asyik dong lihat java jazz...., lho lha kok aku jadi malah inget Om Embong(alm)ini gimana nih....., hiks..hiks..hiks
6:57 AM
iya ya jeng; pas lihat SF Jazz maren, aku juga lihat om bubby chen didorong pake kursi roda, jadi agak miris rasanya. smoga almarhum masih main jazz di sono, dan yg udah sepuh diberi kesehatan dan kedamaiana hati dan pikiran. salam.

maya said...
suka jazz juga kek kool and the gang ato KC and the sunshine..sayang ajah ya java jazz gag diadain di semarang :(
9:54 AM
hmmm, mudah2an akan datang saatnya nanti jeng

Kana Haya said...
aaannngggg... I really want to see JJF!! but since my mom never allow me to be at home after 11 pm so i cant went there :(
11:35 AM
go with mom and dad then next time :)

sinceyen said...
Dooo.. tuh foto-foto... sampe ngiler aku!!!
Jangan ketawa ya mas, tapi sungguh aku iri sama kesempatan dan kemampuanmu nge-shoot foto2 itu!!!!
They are so beautiful!!
trims jeng for the compliments; tanpa didukung lighting yg bagus, gambarnya juga gak asik jeng. salam.

Apey said...
huaaa...postingan2 ttg Java Jazz kmaren selalu bikin saya nangis darah lagi krn gak bisa terbang ke Jkt buat nonton deh. I miss the best moments !! padhal udah di SMS sama Benoit suruh nonton *ngayal* hehe..Semoga thn depan bisa nonton deh, jazzy tune always calm me :)
6:27 AM
makanya lain kali ditlepun ya jeng :D ..... salam.

, seorang pejalan musiman dan penyuka sejarah. Penduduk Jakarta yang sedang tinggal di Cikarang Utara. Diperbarui: March 07, 2007.

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