It was not a smooth start though, as he was busy for about 5 minutes trying to fix his sound system, next to where he's seated, which apparently didn't produce the sound as what he expected.
After a few words spoken, which I coud not hear clearly since the sound system was not loud enough, he started playing guitar and delivered his first song. Daniel played his solo guitar perfectly, even though he said that the Jakarta weather is too hot for him that made his fingers kept sweating.
One of his songs that he played was about Jakarta with its famous and notorious traffic jam that drew laughter from the fans.
In one of the informal and relaxing short talk, Daniel told the audience that his mother informed him that we was born in the city of Semarang, the capital city of Central Java province. Then, he played and sang the Semarang song, which I believe was created by him, and drew applause when he mentioned the name of Semarang a couple times at the end of the song, in an elegant way.
We didn't watch Daniel until the end of the show, and hence we surely missed some of the popular songs, as we rushed to Concert Hall to see Indra Lesmana Reborn performance, and partly also because of our positions were not that comfortable to enjoy Daniel's show.
Label: Music
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