One way or the other, people around the world celebrate the coming of a new year. The celebrations are not necessarily held at the same time as others, they often include the adaptation of traditions or religions. Some also include putting on “lucky” attire with the hope of luck throughout the coming year.
Early Romans welcomed the New Year in March, which coincided with the spring equinox, so did the ancient Babylonians. The flooding of the Nile, which usually occurred in June, marked the New Year for ancient Egyptians, who would sing, dance and feast for a month to welcome the waters that would nourish the crops and bring life to the otherwise dry dessert.
Most places in the world will have a kind or form of fireworks festival as well as time needle drop. In which, people shout the countdown to the exact mid night clock and rush to say happy new year to their love ones.
In Central and South America, "Ano Viejo" firecrackers are stuffed in a completely dressed up person-like paper maches. Right after the New Year’s hit, these paper maches are lit which create firecracker noises to add to the festivities.
New Year is a time of joyous celebration with gatherings marked by an abundance of food, drink, music and dancing. On the private side, it is also a time for prayers and hope.
Looking back, I have spent new Year’s eve with friends in my parents house in East Java, Indonesia during my childhood, in cold winter night in upstate New York and Michigan during my college years, in parties big or small or none in busy metropolis like Jakarta, New York City, Singapore Cairo and Paris, in gathering at small places such like West Papua, Lake Tahoe, Perth, and other places during my adult years.
Most of these New Years are memorable, and in most of my adult year, I've tried to make new year's resolution, some I keep, some I partially keep, and some I didn’t even manage to start. I do have a resolution for New Year 2009.
While there are many things we should be grateful during 2008, we each have our expectations for 2009. To all my virtual friends at The Aroengbinang Project, I wish you a Happy New Year, may you continue enjoy reading the postings as much as we enjoy your visits.
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