It's been a while that no new article was posted in TAP, and I feel sorry for that. Even though I'm questioning the fate of blogger with the phenomenal growth of Facebook users that has made other social network sites such as Friendster in limbo, still I'm committed in maintaining the blog. It seems that previous active bloggers are now spending more time in Facebook rather than doing blogwalking and posting new articles in their blogs. Blogger needs a fundamental surgery in its engines and interfaces to survive from the deadly attack of Facebook.
The other reason for being absent from blogging is that I was so busy preparing February 14 music concert at BlackBox Theater, High/Scope Indonesia, Jl. TB Simatupang 8, Jakarta, where LKers band played with Leo Kristi and Cecil in "Konser Nyanyian Cinta LK-LKers". It was the third time for LKers to play with Leo Kristi.
The challenge for an amateur bass player like me, and for other LKers amateur musicians as well, is that we have to memorize all of around 80 music compositions of "Konser Rakyat Leo Kristi"'s songs, and some of them I haven't learned yet. It took several difficult days merely to know where to press the string and to play with the right timing for just a single song.
While we predicted that only 35 songs at max could be performed from 8 pm to 11 pm, but any song could be played. Learning from the past experience, even though LKers had agreed with Leo Kristi which songs to be played, but he always deviated from the script.
The concert is over, and it gave mixed memories to those who were on the stage and to around 400 people who packed the BlackBox Theater.
Here's the group of "Komunitas Pecinta Musik Konser Rakyat Leo Kristi" at Facebook.
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