March 25, 2009

The Awesome Gugun

It was a short text message from Yoosca that brought me to Bentara Budaya Jakarta on the evening of March 12, 2009, to see the performance of Gugun & The Blues Shelter. It's again another unfamiliar name to my ears, but since I considered myself a fan of blues, I killed my hesitancies to face the legendary crowded traffic of Jakarta and decided to go. It was definitely the right decision, as it turned out to be one of the best local music performances that I have ever seen.

I was really surprised to see Bentara Budaya Jakarta packed with so many people when I arrived. It was still early, and yet no empty seats were available, but I did not need a seat anyway. I was wondering what drove people to come while seeing a young man on the stage playing solo blues. His name is Adrian Adietomo who played songs from his own album, such as Tegangan Tinggi, Telegram, Blues Iblis, Pemberontak Terakhir, and Lepas Anjingmu. He's really good on his guitar, and the rhythmic sound of his foot helped him in performing a good music.

Then at about 8 p.m., Gugun and the Blues Shelter took the stage. While I have never heard any of the songs that he played, that apparently taken mostly from his "Turn it On" album (released in 2006), to my eyes, ears and soul the group performance was really awesome, right from the first song to the end.

Mohammad "Gugun" Gunawan, the group leader, guitarist and vocalist, electrified the audience with his superb performance. He's accompanied by Aditya "Bowie" Wibowo who played with full of energy on drums and Tri "Enti" Widodo on electric bass.

Bowie on drums heated up the night with his abundance energy.

Tri "Enti" Widodo on electric bass fit well with group.

The packed Bentara Budaya Jakarta, with the audience fully hypnotized by Gugun and the Blues Shelter's performance. After their last song, the group played extra two songs to fulfill the audience request and everyone finally stood up and moved their bodies along with the rythm. It was a great performance indeed, thanks to Bentara Budaya Jakarta. Hopefully you can find his CD in the nearest music store. Highly recommended.

Label: Music
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