It starts with an electrical spark inside the grey substance of the head that gives a birth of an idea. It maybe triggered by observing or sensing the surroundings, reading and interpreting the omens, contemplating and activating the mihes (the mind, the heart and the soul). Pick things from the past, blend them with endless possibilities of the future, and come up with a solid purpose, or a Personal Legend in Paulo Coelho's words.
That sense of a purpose, and the determination of the inner will to achieve it albeit the hardships that faithfully follow, change the way people behave towards self and others. People will then see things differently. We will be willing to do anything, even things that we really don't like, as long as they help us to achieve our purpose. The will brings the skills.
I have a simple short-term easy example. I always choose aisle seat whenever I'm travelling in an airplane, as I do not want to bother people when I want to go to the toilet. I've been practicing it for more than 24 years, until last week, when an electrical spark gave a birth of an idea of taking pictures of clouds from high above. Hence, I took a window seat with a camera ready on my hands.
Here are the results.
The sea of clouds that looked like a flat white carpets.
As the sun descending to the horizon, the color of the clouds changed beautifully.
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