The website was created by Bambang Aroengbinang, originally came from his passion to visit historical places and other places of interests, coupled with his hobby of photographing and writing simple notes. His experience while using WordPress self-hosted and Blogger are also shared.
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All photos are displayed with 60% quality, which you may use for non-commercial purposes with active links to the source.About Bambang Aroengbinang
BA was born in the village of Mersi, Purwokerto, Central Java, under the name of R Bambang Sutjahjo, one of R Soemantri's son, Wedana Jatinom Klaten in the period of 1962-1967. When he was born in 1959, his father still served as a subdistrict head in Purwonegoro. R Soemantri is the 4th descendent of Aroengbinang I through RB Wongsodikromo (Penewu Surakarta), RB Soemodiwirjo, and R Hoedawikarta (Penatus Masaran, Banjarnegara).Aroeng Binang I is the 8th son of Kyai Hanggajoeda, Demang Kutowinangun. Kyai Hanggajoeda is the 2nd child of Kyai Ragil, and Kyai Ragil is the youngest son of Kyai Bekel, Lurah Lundong Kebumen. Kyai Bekel is the eldest son of Prince Bumidirjo, the 5th son of Panembahan Sedakrapyak, the second king of the Mataram Sultanate. Prince Bumidirjo left the palace and chose to become an ordinary person after upsetting King Amangkurat I, his own niece, for advising him not to act cruel to his own people.
BA's mother is the 2nd child of KH Abdul Djamil and Siti Fatmah, daughter of KH RM Muhammad Ilyas, Sokaraja. KH RM Muhammad Ilyas is the great-grandson of Prince Diponegoro through Prince Diponegoro II and KH RM Ali Dipawangsa. Zaenab, the mother of Siti Fatmah, is a descendent of Kyai Abdus Somad, Jombor, through Kyai Hasanudin, Kyai Mu'tasim, and Nyai Maseh.
BA attended school until second grade at SD Negeri Jatinom-Klaten, then moved to SDN II Mersi-Purwokerto after his father retired in 1967. Further education was SMPN 1 and SMAN 1 Purwokerto, graduated in 1977, then studied at ITB and graduated in 1985. The MM/MBA Diploma (dual degree Monash University) was earned from IPMI Business School in 1996.
BA's professional life went through a number of pharmaceutical, diagnostics, medical devices, life science, and distribution companies. The company once he worked for was PT Dexa Medica, PT Iris Pelangi Indah, PT Otsuka Indonesia, PT Sandoz Biochemie Farma Indonesia, Becton Dickinson, PT DKSH Tunggal, and Bio-Rad.
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