All articles in the Aroengbinang website, is intended to be general information. The contents of this site are mainly travel notes, photos, personal opinions, thoughts, notes of tourist and culinary places that I have not and I wish to visit, and tourist maps.
Even though the authors try to keep the information up to date, correct and accurate, the authors make no warranties, expressed or not, regarding the completeness, accuracy, precision, trustworthiness, suitability or availability of any information, products, services, or anything that are written, used for any purpose.
The trust you give and the use of information contained in this blog are entirely your own responsibility. The authors in no way and will not be responsible for any loss or damage, including but not limited to material or non-material damage or loss, loss of time, data, profits, lives, or whatever form, whether directly or indirectly, which arise or relate to the use of this blog.
Photos and videos in this blog were generally taken and made by the authors. If there are objections to certain photos or videos, please contact admin to be corrected or deleted.
It was often unavoidable that there are photos of people we don't know became objects or exposed to objects that are photographed. If you happen to be in one of these photos and have objections, please contact admin to delete them.
The information contained in this site can come from various sites on the internet that I get through search engines. Gradually a reference is added to each post that has been and will be published. If you are the legal owner of the information, and haven't received a link, please contact me, and I will add credit or delete the information, if you can prove ownership of the information.
External links on this blog do not mean the authors provide recommendations or support the views and content contained in those sites. As a blog owner, admin always has and tries to make the site can be accessed every time. However, we do not be responsible in any form whatsoever if the site is temporarily inaccessible due to technical difficulties at times, which are beyond our control.
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